Tier 2: Professional Pressure

Regardless of how dark and stormy an individual’s life may be, that athlete is expected to deliver victory during the game. The pressure on an athlete to perform during a game does not let up when the competition is over. It merely changes to another form. As professionals, athletes are expected to be “on” and representative at all times. ARD coaches players to cope with and use that pressure through mastery of the following:

  1. Living in an unrelenting spotlight of personal, professional, and political scrutiny
  2. What’s expected and how to act in various social, professional, and political situations
  3. Identifying and dealing with left-over aggression
  4. Identifying and dealing with downtime
  5. Identifying and dealing with identity issues such as race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, faith, and diverse socioeconomic backgrounds
  6. Identifying and dealing with failure and rejection
  7. Mastering the media

Personal Life


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