Tier 4:
Remember me for ...

Too often a player’s athletic legacy is overshadowed by something more memorable that is not necessarily favorable or chosen. ARD coaches athletes and their families in choosing and establishing which legacy will be remembered, regardless of damaging difficulties or bad publicity. Topics in this tier include:

  • Recognizing and dealing with non-physical trauma
  • Sexual harassment prevention
  • Domestic violence prevention
  • The inevitability of messing up
  • The cost of messing up
  1. How much it costs the players and their families
  2. How much it costs the teams
  3. How much it costs the agents
  4. How much it costs the fans
  5. How much it costs the league
  • Recovery after messing up
  • Understanding power and the use of power currencies
  • Paying the price for failure to understand or inability to deal effectively
  • Charting alternative futures

Personal Life

Professional Pressures


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