Program Evaluation

Every sports organization needs to perform periodic evaluation of its programs and services related to player success outside the game. Directors, managers, coaches, and others who run sports programs have great expertise in sports, preparing competitive athletes, growing programs, and leading organizations. However, most lack the independence, time, and targeted expertise for designing and executing the kind of deep dive evaluation essential in positioning for true change and organizational improvement.

As external professional evaluators, ARD can solve that problem for you with the following advantages:

  • Objectivity: If you do your own evaluation, no matter how objective you try to be, your motives and conclusions are subject to being influenced inadvertently by your potential stake in the outcome.
  • Independence: External evaluators can provide a more unbiased assessment because they are free from the organization’s internal politics, have no ax to grind, and have no ongoing economic stake in the success or failure of a program.
  • Targeted Expertise: It is our business to stay up-to-date and trained in the most effective tools and techniques for different types of assessment – and we work with you to match our expertise to your needs.
  • Availability: While members of your staff might be able to carve out some time for evaluation, it is far too important to be done in someone’s spare time. When you hire us, interruption to your staff’s workflow is minimal.

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